Tips for Staying Safe When Selling Your Own Home

Published | Posted by Jennifer Schumacher

The prospect of selling your home in Tulsa without involving a real estate agent can certainly seem appealing. What you might not realize is that you are at risk for a number of threats when selling your home on your own. Learning to recognize those threats and how to avoid them can help you to stay safe.


First and foremost, always make sure that you pre-qualify any buyer before you allow them into your home. This can be accomplished by asking buyers to provide a letter of pre-qualification from their lender. Also, always make a point of asking for identification, such as a driver license.


Never make the mistake of giving out too much information about your home when speaking to prospective buyers over the phone. Only show your home by appointment and never to someone who just stops by. You may even wish to consider setting aside certain days of the week to schedule showings for your home. When you do show your home, ensure that all windows are open and that you have as much light as possible coming into your home.


Ensure that your valuables and all confidential information, including bank statements and passwords are secured whenever showing your home.


Carefully consider any requests to make repairs or requests for changes to the terms of the sales contract. In some instances, renegotiating may very well be justified, but do not allow yourself to feel bullied.


The most effective way to ensure you stay safe when selling your home is to work with a professional and qualified real estate company in Tulsa. Doing so will give you the benefit of allowing the agent to obtain the necessary information upfront and it’s a third party, plenty of buyers are uncomfortable when the sellers are present, they don’t feel they can speak honestly directly to the sellers when they would to an agent, allows more access to home at various times through an agent without only nights and weekends per your schedule to show, and an agent can negotiate on your behalf. 

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